Ocean Choice seeks reasonable labour agreement | Ocean Choice International

Ocean Choice seeks reasonable labour agreement

February 18, 2010

Blaine Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer of Ocean Choice International (OCI), confirmed that the company and the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW) commenced negotiations this week in an effort to reach a new collective agreement. Both parties presented proposals for consideration and following discussions, it was clear that the positions were too far apart to be quickly resolved. The FFAW has now sought the appointment of a conciliation officer to help facilitate further dialogue.

Once a conciliation officer is appointed, OCI looks forward to getting back to the table in an attempt to reach a successful settlement.
Sullivan said, “The current economic conditions present both sides with a very challenging climate in which to negotiate a new collective agreement. While we must operate in a prudent and fiscally responsible way to maintain our competitiveness, I remain hopeful that an agreement can be reached.”

The negotiations affect workers in OCI’s processing facilities in Port aux Choix, South Dildo, Port Union, Bonavista, Marystown and Triton.

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